
Showing posts from September, 2021

Top 10 Indian CEO's Of International companies

India's progress has been way ahead since few years, when it comes to technology, education, sports , and now our stock market had also overtaken France and had ranked 6th largest in the world and also our economy has created records. Though there are many big companies which are ruling over world like Reliance and Tata etc, but there are some Indian CEO's who are leading Foreign international companies and making our country proud. So let's see some Indian CEO of international companies in the world.   1. Sundar Pichai - CEO of Alphabet and Google Sundar Pichai is born in Madras from India and he was taken degree from IIT college of Kharagpur in Metallurgical engeenering. Pichai joined google in 2004 where he led the product management and innovation efforts for a suite of google's client software products, including google chrome and chrome as well as being largely responsible for google drive. After that Pichai was selected to become the next CEO of google on 10, Aug

10 tips to save money as student in 2021

Here are those 10 Ways          Mostly students go through financial problems in their college life and they try very hard to save money but they fail. So why do you think this happen? Do they really save money or just pretend to save and then suffers from it. What does saving mean actually? Saving money means living below your needs which usually many of the students don't follow it. So to avoid this problems I have written down some great tips to live college life without worrying.  1. Carry your Lunch with you.    As a student it is very important to be healthy so that you can be fully focused on your studies. And most of them don't carry their luch and eat outside in restaurants and in canteens. Eating everyday in restaurant may cause your health along with your studies. By carrying your own lunch from home, you can save money and can also health will be maintained.    2. Don't Showoff    Many guys are likely to do showoff in college like they will buy expensive things

Elon Musk Top 9 Rules for Success

                      Elon Musl(CEO of Tesla)      People want to be more like you and therefore the fate of humankind I think it would be great to have maore Elon Musk. So what do we need to do to become more like Elon? Elon Musk, people call him the real-life Tony Stark. One of the greatest entrepreneur of our time now regardless is he perfect? Of course no one is perfect, neither Elon Musk is perfect he also makes mistakes absolutely we have seen him while smoking, but it doesn't matter he is one of the entrepreneurial geniuses of our time. So today we are going to talk about the nine rules of success from Elon Musk.  1. Has Drive :-                             I think most successful people they are successful because they have their internal drive. They have very large internal fire in them, this fire under the belly which they want to do something, they want to create something something great which no ones ever had done before. They don't want to settle in 9-5 jobs but t

Follow the Passion

                       Passion : strong, enthusiastic devotion to a cause, Or goal.          Passion : your heart's one true desire or the deepest desire of your heart.  1. commitment 2. An Open Mind 3. Persistence 4. Flexibility 5. Faith  6. Thankfulness 7. Passion             It is impossible to think about passion without reference to the heart. Deep within your   heart, there is a desire, the pursuit of which will bring you all the happiness, success and fulfillment you really want. To find your passion is to identify your own unique purpose in life, to live your passion is to achieve what I like to refer to as the deepest desire of your heart.        You can achieve whatever you want. You can be the person you were meant to be and you can really live the life of your dreams. Those are bold statements but they are true, and more and more people are discovering this wonderful thruth for themselves. But if this is indeed true, then why is it that so many people - we think the fig

How Tata expanded?

    Tata is the industrial conglomerate that lies at the heart of India's success on the global business stage. For almost two centuries the Tata Group has pioneered multiple industries in India and remains a market leader in most of them. You have probably of Tata Motors and thier car division, but as you will soon find out thier reach extends far beyond that one subsidiary. We will look about three generations of Tata business to see how they built on of India's most successful companies.          The story of Tata begins during the regin of the British Empire where India back then was a huge exporter of cotton, but the brutal regmi of the British East India Company which left little room for local entrepreneurs to develop. The poor treatment by the British eventually resulted in a rebelion against them in 1857, which ended the power of the British East India Company and replaced it with the British Raj. Now, compared to it's ruthless predecessor, the Raj was much more fo

Jagdish Chandra Bose -The Father of Wifi?

Jagdish Chandra Bose      When we  talk about science and technology first thing comes in our mind that who invented it? And where he is from? Mostly we think about Einstein, Edison and etc. But do we know that real inventor of Wifi, radio and many more is from India.                           Jagdish Chandra Bose       Yes, this is the story of   Jagadish Chandra Bose the greatest scientist ever lived. I would place him right at the top and not just me many modern scientists believe it too. But many of us dont even know about JC Bose. He was born in India in 1858 in an India that was constantly abused by british. Bose was raised in a home which was committed to pure Indian traditions and that's why his father wanted him to master his own language first. So he went to a vernacular Bengali school by his father's choice. And later he was sent to England to be a doctor but unfortunately he failed because he couldn't stand the odour, but that led him to physics. So he came back