Jagdish Chandra Bose -The Father of Wifi?

Jagdish Chandra Bose   

  When we  talk about science and technology first thing comes in our mind that who invented it? And where he is from? Mostly we think about Einstein, Edison and etc. But do we know that real inventor of Wifi, radio and many more is from India. 

                        Jagdish Chandra Bose 
  Yes, this is the story of  Jagadish Chandra Bose the greatest scientist ever lived. I would place him right at the top and not just me many modern scientists believe it too. But many of us dont even know about JC Bose. He was born in India in 1858 in an India that was constantly abused by british. Bose was raised in a home which was committed to pure Indian traditions and that's why his father wanted him to master his own language first. So he went to a vernacular Bengali school by his father's choice. And later he was sent to England to be a doctor but unfortunately he failed because he couldn't stand the odour, but that led him to physics. So he came back to India and became professor of physics at Presidency college of Calcutta. His salary was 100rs month and this was just 1/3 of Britisher with the same qualification. And even with all of these obstacles, his inventions change the world. 

    In 1895, Sir JC Bose used electromagnetic waves to ring a bell from the distance of 75 feet passing through walls just like Wifi. And these was 2 years before Marconi invented the radio. Marconi used Bose,s Mercury Coherer that makes radio communication possible. Marconi rushed to commercialize the use of radio whereas Bose didn't even want to patent his discovery. And not just radio, Bose generated 5mm electromagnetic waves 60GHz before instruments even evolved to measure frequencies that low the millimetre wave that JC Bose worked on is the backbone of 5G technology. But that's not the end of the JC Bose inventions. On 10th May 1901 he demonstrated that plants are also sensitive to hear, cold, light, noise and other things that animals react to even love! He showed that a tree planted close to calm soothing music grows faster and healthier as compared to disturbing off beat music. He also proved that plants feel pain when the roots of the plants are dipped in the poison the plants scream like any animals. He was the one who proposed the idea of it. Recently a German scientist said that trees talk to each other echoing what Bose said many years ago. JC Bose also invented many instruments that are still used in Microwave Technology and he is one of the first Indian science fiction writer. He was so ahead of his time that border line controversial all of his life he worked in a room which was just 24sq feet big because he lived in a colonized India. He was always denied access to a fully equipped laboratory, but he believes that"The True Laboratory is the Mind, Where Behind Illusions we uncover The Laws of Truth "
                                        - Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose

  India's contribution to the world is 0. How many times have you heard this statement? I want this to change. When people think about India, they talk a lot about our culture but far less about our contribution to the modern world. Let's change that I want people give examples not just of Einstein, Edison and Marconi but also of Bose! 

The question is was Bose stupid not to patent his inventions? The answer is No! Bose was not stupid , he was a pure scientist and he knew that people can use his work as a base and invent something even greater. His contribution was founding stone of wireless communication Wifi, Radio, Internet that we enjoy today and he was happy to be underground to make the foundations strong. And that's India's contribution to the world.


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