
Showing posts from August, 2021

Top 10 Unsung Heroes of Lockdown

      In this pandemic period of COVID 19 there was a huge distruction to the country. People lost their jobs, houses, families and they were totally disturbed by mentally and physically. Lots of people were in great trouble and they really needed help. So the government was already looking after this but there were also some unsung heroes in this condition who were nowhere behind in helping people. Many people who were capable to help were helping but there were some who was donating their whole savings. And this is very rare in today's world.    So here are some top 10 Unsung heroes of Lockdown. 10.                                    Ridhi    She is Ridhi from Hyderabad and she is just 11 year old studing in 6th standard. She donates to raise money for poor hit by coronavirus lockdown, which she donated 9.4 lakhs from her savings. Ridhi also distributed 725 kits of ration to poor people. This is great act of kindness of little girl with very big heart. 9.      National Law School

Osman The Lion Saviour

       Usually people like to save animals and they help poor animals which they find wherever they see them in trouble. We see dogs and cats usually but what if I say wild animals like lions. Yes, there is a man who had saved lions from dying.   Osman Salih Who is he?          He is Osman,the man from remote country of Sudan in Africa who had done this unthinkable work, he rescued 11 lions from death. How he did it? One day Osman was visiting a park with his son where he saw something horrible. There were tens of lions who were so hungry and weak that they were literally just skin on bones. These kings of jungles were lying on the ground, waiting to die. Osman couldn't believe what he saw and why no one feeding them? Then it turn out that because of the economic crisis in Sudan the park did not have money left to feed the animals. And so the lions were the first to go hungry and the first to die. By seeing this weak lions it just made Osman angry and upset and thaught that he have