
Showing posts from July, 2021

Road Doctor

Gangadhar Tilak Katnam         Today's world has become so busy that they don't see other things which is not usefull for them or for their family. Common man is fully frustrated about thinking of life, they just want to work for themselves and then stop after his retirement. So he can peacefully lives his remaining life. But there are also some another kind of people who really works for others safety and for humanity even after their retirement or till thier last breath and yes they are called " Unsung heroes ".                        Filling up potholes    Yes, the another unsung hero which is based on ' Gangadhar Tilak Katnam  who is 73 year old and his wife ' Venkateshwari Katnam  64 year old. This elderly couple are from Hyderabad, India. This great couple are filling up the potholes which are on the roads so that they can avoid road accidents as much as they can. He use to see that accidents are increasing due to potholes so he complained to police and

The Forest Man of India

Jadav Payeng       In this tremendous world there are lots of people who live for thier needs and for themselves. They don't care for others or for humanity. And there are some other types of people who care for others more than themselves. They help others and also save environment. But there are very few people who help others without knowing them or anyone, they don't like to be on screen or they don't really want the credit for help. And they are called as " Unsung heroes"               Yes, Unsung heroes who help and cares for others without knowing them or anyone.We are going to know about one of the unsung hero who is from India known as " The Forest Man of India " and his name is ' Jadav Payeng '. He is born in Jorhat which is in Assam in 1963. Over the course of several decades, he has planted tended trees on a sandbar of the river Brahmaputra turning it into forest reserve. So the forest is called ' Molai ' forest after him. The